Anti-Abuse/ Takedown policy

We will comply with any takedown requests for content that violates any law, including copyright and other intellectual property laws. To request a takedown, contact an admin using the contact email below. Provide a full URL (with the decryption key situated after the "#" symbol) in the takedown request so we are able to verify your claim.

Report Abuse: admin {@}
If you sent a take-down request between November 1st to November 4th, you'll have to re-send it because it may have not reached us due to Cloudflare downtime.

Removal Time

Expect the first time response in 10-14 hours. At max it may take 24 hours. The further responses should take less than 10-14 hours. Note: We always remove inappropriate URL(s) but may not reply. Continue reading below to learn more.

After submitting a takedown:

Please note that we will only respond to your email if further information is required or if your request is rejected. Upon successful takedown, the action itself will serve as our response. If the link provided is found to be invalid or has expired, or if we have removed the link due to a takedown request, no acknowledgment email will be sent.

Keep a watch on your links:

After submitting a take down, keep re-checking your link(s) for validity every 10-12 hours. Soon, the link should go offline if it was found to be in violation of our policies/ the law.

Example Request:

Subject: Paste.Quest: Reporting URLs

Dear Webmaster,

I'm reaching out to report specific URL(s) on your website that potentially violate your policies or international laws:

Upon a recent review, I've confirmed these URLs contain content that might breach policies or laws. I understand that if the URL(s) are removed, I may not receive a reply. I will re-check these URLs from time to time on my own to confirm the removal.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Role]
[Your Organization/Agency]